
Music Artificial Intelligence and Music Information Technology



发布日期:2016-06-28 11:49:00 更新日期:2023-12-06 15:08:51




活动时间: 2016年6月4日 ~ 2016年6月17日

活动地点: beat365官方网站综合楼





专题一 :『音乐想像放松在综合医院的应用』


主讲Maria Montserrat Gimeno博士是美国纽约州立大学新帕尔兹学院的副教授,她出生于西班牙巴塞罗那。她在俄勒冈州威拉米特大学获得音乐治疗学士学位,并在太平洋大学Stockton校区先后获得音乐治疗艺术硕士学位和心理咨询博士学位。Gimeno博士是注册创造性艺术治疗师,美国注册音乐治疗师。她同样接受了音乐引导想象的训练。她还是一位国内国际研究者,主要致力于音乐想象(MI)及音乐想象方式(MIR)在医疗领域的应用。同时她还在美国、西班牙、中国、韩国、挪威、芬兰、奥地利及印度教授MI和MIR的方法技术。


Dr. Maria Montserrat Gimeno is an Associate Professor in the Music Therapy Program at the State University of New York at New Paltz. She was born in Barcelona, Spain, where she worked as a nurse for several years. She came to the United States in 1993 and since then has completed a Bachelor's Degree in Music Therapy at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon and a Master’s of Arts Degree in Music Therapy and a Doctorate in Counseling Psychology at University of the Pacific in Stockton, California. Dr. Gimeno is a Licensed Creative Arts Therapist (LCAT) and a Board-Certified Music Therapist (MT-BC). She is also trained in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music. Dr. Gimeno is known nationally and internationally for her research on the adaptations of the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music, specifically of Music and Imagery (MI) and Music Imagery Relaxation (MIR) in medical settings and has taught MI and MIR courses in the United States, Spain, China, South Korea, Norway, Finland, Austria, and India.


专家二:  『台湾音乐治疗发展现况』与『华语旋律音调治疗方法』


主讲:张乃文博士 ,女 , 美国明尼苏达大学音乐治疗博士。 现任中国医药大学(台湾)儿童医院儿童行为与发展科音乐治疗师,同时还担任国立高雄师范大学特教系听力学与语言治疗硕士专班助理教授。




专题三 :『音乐治疗在临终关怀领域的临床应用』

主讲:Clare O’Callaghan博士担任墨尔本 St. Viencent 医院Caritas Christi 临终关怀部门音乐治疗师;Cabrini Health缓和医疗高级研究员;St. Vincent医院医疗部荣誉副教授;澳大利亚Peter MacCallum 癌症中心荣誉研究员。作为澳大利亚国家健康与医学研究委员会的博士后研究员(2008-2009),O’Callaghan的研究主要集中在为患有癌症的儿童、青少年、还有成年人提供音乐的支持,并且为这些病人的遗愿提供建议。2009年O’Callaghan 博士带领团队对一位中国音乐治疗教育者和他的学生们在四川地震后音乐治疗项目的感想进行研究。O’Callaghan博士的的研究还集中于缓和医疗领域提供现场音乐治疗性歌曲写作的方法,以及为老年痴呆病人提供现场音乐的方法与技术。O’Callaghan博士的近70份著作发表于期刊与书籍中,她近期还将其擅长的质性研究拓展到肿瘤及临终领域的跨学科合作,包括早期缓和治疗整合及进一步治疗干预计划。




Dr Clare O’Callaghan is Music Therapist, Caritas Christi Hospice, St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne; Senior Research Associate in Palliative Care, Cabrini Health; Associate Professor (honorary), Department of Medicine, St Vincent’s Hospital; and Research Fellow (honorary), Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Australia. As an Australian National Health and Medical Research Council Post-Doctoral Fellow (2008-9), Dr O’Callaghan’s research informed music-based guidelines for supporting children, adolescents, and adults affected by cancer, and recommendations for managing patients’ unfinished legacies. In 2009, Dr O’Callaghan led research on a Chinese music therapy educator and his students’ perceptions of their music project’s relevance for Sichuan earthquake survivors. Dr O’Callaghan’s research has also informed development of therapeutic song writing in palliative care and strategies for offering live music in dementia care. With over 70 publications in refereed journals and text books, Dr O’Callaghan has recently brought qualitative research expertise to many oncology and end-of-life care interdisciplinary collaborations, including on early integration palliative care and advance care planning.