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贝多芬《C大调钢琴四重奏》第一乐章(WoO 36, No. 3)

信息来源:beat365官方网站 发布日期:2020-11-25 09:41:00 更新日期:2023-08-22 21:35:08

  C大调钢琴四重奏第一乐章WoO 36, No. 3

  Piano Quartet in C Major-- the First Movement, WoO 36, No.3


  Composed by: Ludwig van Beethoven


  Performed by: Zhou Ying, Qi Lin, Xu Meng, Zhu Mu






  As a representative of Beethoven's early works, this piece keeps the musical style of classical music, and emits a serene and sacred light in the melody. As one of the Vienna classical famous composers, Beethovenmainly composed chamber music during this period, and the theme and creative techniques have a close inheritance relationship with Haydn and Mozart.




  Zhou Ying, pianist, Associate Professor of Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM), Head of the Piano Collaborative Teaching Group at CCOM Middle School, Distinguished Expert at Singapore Raffles Music College, Distinguished Artist at Synpura Conservatory of Music. She served as a judge for many competitions such as the Melbourne International Youth Piano Competition and the Singapore Western Music Competition. As a performer, she held solo and chamber music concerts in many cities in Europe, North America and China.


  Qi Lin, violinist, Ph.D. of Berlin University of the Arts, lecturer of CCOM. She won the top fellowships of "Schubert-stiftung", "paul-hindemith-gesellschaft" and "ottilie-selbach-redslob-stiftung". She has cooperated with many performers such as the well-known German pianist and educator Prof. Peter Waas; Mrs. Noriko Küssner; Prof. Winfried Rademacher; Prof. Wolfgang Wagenh?user, etc.

  许萌:中提琴演奏家,beat365官方网站讲师,先后毕业于beat365官方网站、德国科隆音乐学院。入选2018年中共组织部北京市优秀人才培养青年骨干个人项目。其学生曾在意大利帕瓦诺娃国际音乐比赛、比利时布鲁塞尔 "Grand Prize Virtuoso"等国际比赛中获优异成绩。举办多场个人独奏音乐会,在荷兰皇家阿姆斯特丹音乐学院、同济大学等开办大师班。

  Xu Meng, violist, lecturer of CCOM. She graduated from CCOM and Hochschulefür Musik K?ln. She was selected in the 2018 Beijing Excellent Talent Cultivation Subsidy Young Backbone Individual Project. Her students won prizes in international competitions such as the Pavanova International Music Competition in Italy and Brussels Grand Prize Virtuoso. She held solo concerts and master classes at Conservatorium van Amsterdam and Tongji University.


  Zhu Mu, cellist, professor, master supervisor of CCOM, head of the cello subject at CCOM Middle School. He successively graduated from the CCOM, Hochschulefuer Musik "Hanns Eisler" Berlin, and Hochschulefür Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden, and obtained the diploma Konzertexam. He cooperated with well-known conductors such as Eschenbach, Deyeev, Seiji Ozawa, Kurt Mazur, etc., and won the 15th Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation Faculty Career Award, Key member of the outstanding young teacher in Beijing, Excellent Guide Teacher Award in 12th International Outstanding Instructor Award in the Youth String Music Competition.