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信息来源:beat365官方网站 发布日期:2020-11-28 09:22:00 更新日期:2023-08-22 21:35:05


  Academic Lecture  Research on Beethoven's Compositional Process of the "Tempest" Sonata


  Lecturer: William Kinderman



  在个人人生和创作发展的关键时刻,贝多芬隐居在维也纳近郊的海利根施塔特(Heiligenstadt),在这个仅有400人居住的村庄生活了半年有余。虽然贝多芬改善听力的希望彻底落空,但他却在音乐创作上取得了重大突破。这可以从他那个时期使用的三本草稿本中得到证明。本次讲座的重点是《d小调“暴风雨”钢琴奏鸣曲》(Op.31, No.2)的创作起源。“凯斯勒”草稿本中收录了该作第一乐章的两份草稿,其中的第一份草稿尤其具有启示意义,阐明了这部作品与大约二十年后创作的《第九交响曲》之间的相似性。


  At a pivotal time in his life and creative development, Beethoven retreated for a half-year into seclusion to Heiligenstadt, a village of 400 then on the outskirts of Vienna. Although his hopes for improvement of his failing hearing were disappointed, he experienced a creative breakthrough, as is documented by the contents of three sketchbooks used during this period. This presentation focuses on the genesis of the "Tempest" Sonata in d minor, op. 31 no. 2. The first of two drafts for its opening movement held in the Kessler Sketchbook is especially revealing, and sheds light on affinities between this piece and the Ninth Symphony, composed about twenty years later. 


  威廉·金德曼:音乐学家、钢琴家、贝多芬研究专家。美国加利福尼亚大学音乐学院教授,音乐表演研究系主任。先后任美国伊利诺伊大学音乐学院教授、维也纳国际人文研究中心担任研究指导、维也纳艺术与音乐大学的访学教授,维也纳海利根施塔特贝多芬博物馆的复建和策展顾问,兼任德国柏林艺术大学和慕尼黑大学的客席教授,洪堡基金会终身成就奖。代表著作包括:《贝多芬的迪亚贝利变奏曲》《莫扎特的钢琴音乐》《瓦格纳的< 帕西法尔>》等,他对贝多芬音乐的研究与演奏成果,被改编为百老汇戏剧《三十三个变奏》,曾录制贝多芬的晚期钢琴作品,并为《迪亚贝利钢琴变奏曲》推出双张光盘(含演讲录音)。


  William Kinderman, musicologist, pianist, and Beethoven scholar. He currently serves as Professor and inaugural Klein Chair of Performance Studies, University of California (UCLA) School of Music, Los Angeles, California. He has served as Professor of Music at University of Illinois in US, Director’s Fellow at International Research Center for the Humanities in Vienna, Visiting Research Professor at Musik und Kunst Universität in Vienna, Scholarly advisor and Co-Curator for the Wien-Museum for the Beethoven Museum at Vienna/Heiligenstadt, Guest professor at Hochschule der Künste Berlin and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich in Germany, Recipient of Research Prize for lifetime achievement of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. His representative books include: Beethoven's Diabelli Variations, Mozart's Piano Music, Wagner's 'Parsifal', etc. His researches and performances on the music of Beethoven were adapted into a Broadway Play Thirty-three Variations. He also recorded the works in Beethoven's late years, and made a double CD with lecture-recital of Beethoven's Diabelli Variations.