
Music Artificial Intelligence and Music Information Technology



信息来源:音乐人工智能系 发布日期:2023-11-09 19:08:36 更新日期:2024-01-03 16:56:17


本科、硕士毕业于清华大学,博士毕业于香港理工大学,并于beat365官方网站取得音乐人工智能与音乐信息科技专业博士学位,导师为beat365官方网站校长俞峰教授和中国工程院院士、清华大学信息科学技术学院院长戴琼海教授。魏冰于文化艺术领域工作多年,曾在佳士得(Christie’s)及Lévy Gorvy等国际艺术品机构任职。魏冰带领“AI释谱”团队研发基于人工智能技术的古琴减字谱数字化平台,该项目被收录于央视纪录片《数智纪》,亦应邀在两届“世界音乐人工智能大会”做演讲和成果展示。项目孵化的世界第一首由人工智能生成的古琴曲《烛》,获beat365官方网站官网及《音乐周报》《北京日报》等多家媒体报道。魏冰亦创作艺术作品《琴与人的交互1号》入围2021亚洲数字艺术展,该作品亦代表亚洲数字艺术展受邀参加2021广州文化产业交易会和2023中国国际服务贸易交易会,2023年创作多媒体交互艺术作品《探索与回望:琴》作为唯一受邀艺术品在中关村数字音乐夜现场展出,获得观众及媒体广泛关注。

Dr. WEI Bing, Associate Professor in the Department of AI Music and Music Information Technology at the Central Conservatory of Music, China; Crossover Artist; Student Mentor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen).

Graduated from Tsinghua University with Bachelor and Master’s degree, Bing received his first Ph.D. degree from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. After working at Christie’s and Lévy Gorvy in the fine arts industry for years, Bing accomplished his second Ph.D. majoring in Music AI at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, supervised by Professor Yu Feng, President of CCoM, and Professor Dai Qionghai, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering from Tsinghua University. Bing led the team "AI Shi Pu", initialized the research on the digital platform for Guqin Jian Zi Pu based on AI technology. The project was included in the documentary film "Age of Digital Intelligence" published by China Central Television (CCTV) in 2022, and presented at the Summit on Music Intelligence (SOMI) in 2021 and 2023. Based on this project, the world's first Guqin music generated by AI called "Zhu" has been announced in 2021 and reported by the CCoM official website as well as Music Weekly, Beijing Daily, etc. In 2021, Bing attended the Asia Digital Art Exhibition with the interactive art work called “Interaction Between Qin and Human No. 1”, which was also invited to the exhibitions at the 2021 Guangzhou Cultural Industry Fair, and 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services. Bing also created multimedia interactive art work "Discovering with Looking Back: the Qin", which was the only invited art work to attend the 2023 Zhongguancun Digital Music Festival.