



信息来源:作曲系 发布日期:2023-11-07 22:07:11 更新日期:2023-11-23 14:52:01




近年来,包括柏林交响乐团、波恩贝多芬国际音乐节、华沙之秋国际音乐节、德国巴伐利亚广播电台、法国国家电台、上海之春国际音乐节等众多国内外乐团、音乐节和电台委托秦文琛创作,已有百余支国内外乐团在世界范围广泛上演过他的作品,其中包括法国Intercontemporain 乐团、德国Recherche现代乐团、柏林交响乐团、维也纳广播交响乐团、意大利Antidogma欧洲现代乐团、日本东京都交响乐团、俄罗斯圣彼得堡爱乐乐团、荷兰新乐团、斯图加特室内交响乐团、瑞士凤凰室内乐团、芬兰赫尔辛基爱乐乐团、波兰华沙爱乐—国家交响乐团以及上海交响乐团、中国国家交响乐团、香港中乐团等众多中国乐团。德国北部电台(NDR)、德国西部电台(WDR)、法国国家电台(Radio France)、瑞士电台、柏林电台(RBB)、德国巴伐利亚广播电台(BR)、奥地利国家电台(ORF)以及数量众多的国际音乐节都曾安排秦文琛的作品上演。

主要作品包括:《际之响》(2001)、《五月的圣途》(2004)、《对话山水》(2010)、唢呐协奏曲《唤凤》(1996/2010)、小提琴协奏曲《山际线》(2012)、古筝与乐队《彼岸的回声》(2015)、笙协奏曲《云川》(2017)等管弦乐作品20余部;《幽歌》系列(1990~)、《合一》(1998/99)、《地平线上的五首歌》(2005)、《太阳的影子》系列(1987~)、《唤起记忆的声音》系列(2006~)等室内乐作品40余部以及《向远方 —为中国乐器而作的30首作品集》(2010/11)等等。

所获荣誉包括:中宣部“文化名家暨‘四个一批’人才” “霍英东青年教师奖”、教育部“新世纪优秀人才” “国务院政府津贴”、 文化部“区永熙优秀音乐教育奖” “宝钢优秀教育奖” “beat365官方网站金校徽”等等。

秦文琛是国际著名的音乐出版社—Sikorski Musikverlag的签约作曲家,其全部作品由该公司出版并在全球代理。


秦文琛毕业于上海音乐学院,曾师从朱践耳、许舒亚等先生。1998年至2001年获德国学术交流中心(DAAD)资助由beat365官方网站公派赴德国和Nic.A.Huber 教授学习。

QIN Wenchen’s Biography

Composer and educator Qin Wenchen possesses one of the most distinguished positions in China’s current music scene. Regarded as “a World-Class Composer “by Bonn General-Anzeiger, Qin’s music has gained him acclaimed reputation worldwide. Strongly devoted to music education, Qin is presently the Vice President of the Central Conservatory of Music, where he holds professorship of the composition department.

Born and raised in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, Qin begun to study the local folk music in childhood. In 1987, he was admitted to the Composition Department of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music to study with Jian-er Zhu and Shuya Xu. In 1992, he became a lecturer at the Central Conservatory of Music. With a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Commission (DAAD), he studied with Nicholas A. Huber in Essen, Germany, from 1998 to 2001.

Qin has received commissions for numerous international music organizations, including the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, Beethovenfest Bonn, Warsaw Autumn, Bayerischer Rundfunk, and Shanghai Spring International Music Festival. His works have been widely programmed by various major orchestras and music ensembles throughout Asia, Europe, and overseas, including Ensemble Intercontemporain and L’Itinéraire in France, Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester, Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra and ensemble recherche in Germany, Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Ensemble Europeo Antidogma in Italy, Tokyo City Symphony Orchestra, St. Petersburg Philharmonic, Nieuw Ensemble Holland, Ensemble Phoenix Basel, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, Contemporary Music Ensemble Korea (CMEK), and Sinfonia Varsovia in Poland. His creative outputs have been broadcast on major radio stations in Germany, France and Switzerland, including North German Radio (NDR), West German Radio (WDR), Radio France, Swiss Radio, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB) and ORF-Radio.

Qin is the recipient of seven international awards from Germany, the United States, Japan and Taiwan. His major compositions include Yin Ji (2001) and Pilgrimage in May (2004) for orchestra; The Nature's Dialogue (2010) for tape and orchestra; suona concerto Calling for Phoenix (1996), violin concerto The Border of Mountains (2012), Echo from the Other Shore (2015) for guzheng and orchestra, and chamber music works including Lonely Song (1990/2015), He-Yi (1998/1999), Huai Sha (1999), Five Songs on the Horizon (2005), The Sun Shadow (1987–) series and Sounds that Awake Memories (2006–) series, as well as his second string quartet Wind Lament (2013) and Towards a Far Place, 30 pieces of chamber music for Chinese instruments (2010/2011). His music is published exclusively by Sikorski Musikverlag, Hamburg.